
What is satellite? Types of Satellites

What is satellite? Types of Satellites

In this article we will learn what are satellites?
We will know about Types of satellites.
We will learn about difference between Natural vs artificial satellites.
Furthermore we will discuss about Types of Artificial and Natural satellites.
At the end of this Article we will learn about orbits of Artificial Satellites.
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All stars, the Sun, the Moon, the Earth, all planets and satellites are called heavenly bodies. The heavenly bodies are moving in unimaginable vast space-universe. The Sun, the planets, and their moons are the largest objects in the solar system. But asteroids and comets are the smaller parts of the solar system.
Any heavenly body that revolves around a planet is called a satellite. The Moon is a natural satellite of the Earth that orbits the Earth. Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune have their own satellites too.
Natural Satellites
Beside moons of the planets, some other natural satellites are also moving around the Sun. These are asteroids, Comets and meteoroids. Some of them can be seen from the Earth.

What is satellite? Types of Satellites
Sun orbiting the Earth
An asteroid is a piece of rock that orbits the Sun between Mars and Jupiter. The astronomers have discovered thousands of asteroids. Asteroids are made of rock, metals or minerals. Most of the asteroids orbit the Sun between Mars and Jupiter in a wide band. This band is called the asteroid belt. The asteroid belt is about 1500 thousand kilometers wide. Asteroids come in all shapes and sizes. Some asteroids nave diameter up to 1,000 Kilometers but Some are very small in diameter. Two asteroids are seen from the Earth without the help of a telescope. These are Ceres and Vesta. Ceres is the largest asteroid ever discovered. Its diameter is about 933 kilometers. Vesta is half the size of Ceres. Some astronomers suggest that the asteroids are leftover matter from the time the planets were being formed. We can say that asteroids may be the pieces of our solar system that never formed a planet.   
Asteroid Belt between mars and Jupiter
Asteroid Belt between mars and Jupiter

Besides planets and asteroids some other objects also orbit the Sun. These are comets. A comet is a large ball consist of ice and dust that orbits the Sun. Comets move around the Sun in an elliptical path. They take a very long time to complete their one orbit around the Sun.
Comets probably come from the far, outer edges of the solar system. They are only seen when they come close to the Sun.
A comet consist of three parts: a head, coma and a tail. The head is made of ice, particles of rocks and gases. The heads of most comets are only a few kilometers wide.
When a comet comes near the Sun, gases escape from its head due to heat of the Sun. A large, fuzzy, Circular shape cloud around the head of a comet is called the Coma.
During orbiting near the Sun, a long tail of gases and dust particles is formed behind the comet. This tail can be millions of kilometers long. The tail of a comet points its direction away from the Sun.
Comets far away from the Sun bear no tail .Most of the time comets remain far away from the Sun.
A comet known as Comet Halley has appeared in the sky many times appears after every 76 years. It was seen in 1986 for the last time.  

3 parts of a comet
3 parts of a comet

Uncountable number of small heavy bodies also orbit the Sun. These are called meteoroids. A meteoroid is a piece of rock or metal that orbits the Sun. Meteoroids are scattered in different orbits in space. Most of them are too small to be seen from the Earth. We often see a shooting star or fireball in the sky. In fact, it is not a star but a meteoroid entering the atmosphere of the Earth. Owing to the friction of air, it gets fire.
A meteoroid when enters the atmosphere of our Earth, it is called a meteor. A meteor is a stray particle which comes from the asteroid belt and enters the atmosphere of the Earth. Owing to the friction of air, the meteor gets fire and a trail of light is seen. Some people call them falling stars, shooting stars or fireballs. We can view 20 to 30 meteors on clear night. But we have to move away from the glare of city lights.
Most meteors entering our atmosphere burn up 50 to 100 kilometers above the surface of the Earth. It adds tons of dust into our atmosphere every day. Sometimes a few big enough meteoroids do strike Earth's surface. These are called meteorites. A meteorite is a meteor that strikes Earth's surface.

meteoroid falling in the sky
meteoroid falling in the sky

Artificial Satellites
There are many man-made satellites orbiting the Earth. These are artificial satellites. Artificial satellites are very important for mankind. The first artificial satellite was sent by Russia in 1957. It was named Sputnik-1.
Launching of this satellite opened new horizons for the scientists. After a few years of launching Sputnik-1, Russia sent Yuri Gagarin, the first man into space. Sputnik-I was the first small step of man in space since then. Thousands of satellites have been sent into space.
Kinds of Artificial Satellites
Scientists have sent many satellites which move around the Earth. These satellites help scientists to learn about weather and many more things on the Earth.
On October 4, 1957, Russia sent the world's first artificial satellite Sputnik-1 into space. The name comes from a Russian word for “travel” companion of the world." It weighed just 83 kg. It carried a thermometer and two radio transmitters which sent information about the atmosphere to the Earth, Its two transmitters only functioned for 21 days. After 57 days in orbit, it was destroyed.
Explorer 1
Explorer 1 was the first satellite launched by the United States of America. It was send into space on January 31, 1958. It weighed only 14kg. Explorer 1 sent information about the radiation environment in Earth orbit.
Geostationary Satellites
Geostationary satellites move at a height of about 36,000 km above Earth. At this height they move around the Earth at the same speed as the earth moves around its axis. This satellite seems to be stationary. They are used as communication satellites. Pakistan has launched its first geostationary on August 11, 2011.
Landsat Satellites
The Landsat satellites is a series of satellite missions since 1972 Landsat satellites have collected information about Earth from space. Landsat satellites have taken photographs of Earths continents and satellite that follows surrounding coastal regions.
Communication Satellites
Communication satellites have a great effect on our daily lives. They link remote areas the Earth with telephone and television. Newspapers are typed and transmitted to printing machines via satellite in some countries.
Polar Satellite
Polar satellite was launched on February 24, 1996 by America. Polar satellite studies atmosphere of the Earth in polar orbit after every 18 hours. Polar Satellite will help scientists to protect future satellites from atmospheric dangers.

Artificial Satellite orbiting the earth
Artificial Satellite orbiting the earth

Orbits of Artificial Satellites
Artificial satellites move around the Earth in different orbits.  Some orbits are given here:
Geostationary Orbit: The orbit in which an artificial satellite completes the same time that the Earth takes to complete one spin, i.e. 24 hours, is called Geo stationary orbit. A satellite in this orbit looks stationary from the Earth.
Polar orbit: Polar orbits passes over the north and south poles of the Earth. So satellite moving in this orbit can scan the whole Earth during their motion.
Eccentric Orbit: The scientific satellites move in eccentric orbit to measure magnetism and electric field of the Earth.
Low Earth orbit: This orbit is very close to the Earth. Low Earth orbit is used by space shuttles, space stations, and the Hubble Telescope. These satellites may or orbit the earth every 90 minutes.
Satellite receiving station: A station on the earth which receives messages from the satellites is called a satellite receiving station.
Launching of a Satellite into Space
Launching of an artificial satellite into space is not very easy. This project requires a lot of money. The satellite is mounted on the top of a very high speed rocket. A rocket has many parts. Each part of the rocket falls off after pushing the satellite through the atmosphere into space. After a certain period of time all the artificial satellites will burn up like meteors.
Key Milestones in Space Technology
Here is a look at some of the key milestones in space technology
October 4, 1957: Soviet Union launches Sputnik- 1
January31, 1958: United States launches Explorer 1
April 12, 1961: Yuri Gagarin becomes the first human to enter space and return on earth safely.
July 16, 1969: Launch of Apollo 11. It puts first man on the Moon.
May 14, 1973: United States launches its first space station, the Skylab.
June 18, 1983: Sally Ride becomes first American woman in space science.
February 19, 1986: Mir space station launches.
September 30, 2003: First privately owned spaceship launches.
August 4, 2007: Phoenix lander lands on Mars.

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