
What is Corona Virus

Corona Virus

What is Corona Virus? Corona Virus in china. Corona virus in Pakistan. Corona Virus in USACorona Virus in Iran. Corona virus affected countries at initial stage. Corona virus in UAE.

What is corona Virus
What is corona Virus

By now you have probably heard of COVID-19, or corona virus disease discovered in 2019, which is responsible for a global pandemic. So far the main country affected has been China, but it has spread to a number of other countries around the world to a varying degree.

The virus was initially referred to as the2019-nCoV, or the 2019 novel corona virus and was informally called Wuhan corona virus. The World Health Organization named the disease COVID-19 because it does not refer to a geographical location, an animal, a person or group of people - all of which can lead to stigma.

They also wanted to make it pronounceable or understandable and related to the disease - not an easy task! The virus was officially named SARS CoV-2, or severe acute respiratory syndrome corona virus 2, because it is genetically very similar to the SARS corona virus which was responsible for well the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, or SARS, outbreak in 2002. So SARS-CoV-2 causes

Now, corona viruses that circulate among humans are typically benign, and they cause about a quarter of all common cold illnesses. But occasionally, coronaviruses that circulate in an animal reservoir mutate just enough to where they are able to start infecting and causing disease in humans, if they are given an opportunity.
In 2002 SARS was a corona virus that hopped over from bats to civets, which is a cat-like mammal; and then over to humans. And in 2012, there was MERS, which was a corona virus that hopped over from bats to camels a few decades ago and then circulated among camels for quite some time before infecting humans.

COVID-19 most likely also started with bats, but this time the intermediate host was probably a pangolin, an animal that looks like a cross between an anteater and an armadillo. That is based on the fact that scientists identified a corona virus in pangolins that is a 96% genetic match to SARS-CoV-2. Sadly, pangolins are heavily trafficked around the planet and countries, largely because people believe that their scales have healing properties. Because they are moved around the world rather than left in the wild, there are ample opportunities for a corona virus to go from a pangolin to a human.

As of February 11, 2020, there have been 43,103 cases of COVID-19 and 1,018 deaths, with a fatality rate of 2.4%, according to WHO. The majority of cases and deaths have occurred in China. For some perspective, the 2002 SARS outbreak result as in 8,098 cases and 774 deaths, so the fatality rate was around 9.6%. And the 2012 MERS outbreak out results in 2,494 cases and 858 deaths, bringing the fatality rate to 34%. Finally, for the 2014 Ebola outbreak out, which was not due to a corona virus, there were 28,639 cases and 11,316 deaths. The fatality rate was a whopping 40%!

The whole family of corona viruses are named corona virus because corona means crown and so this refers to the way that the virus looks under the microscope like there's a crown on the top of the virus some of them four or five different kinds cause common diseases among humans everything from the common cold to mild or moderate respiratory illnesses other kinds of corona viruses affect animals and sometimes on rare occasions we see corona viruses jump from animal species into the human population the 2019 novel Corona virus is getting a lot of attention now because it is a new kind of corona virus we haven't seen among humans before the theory is that it may have jumped from an animal species into  the human population and then begun spreading we have seen some people that have died of this disease and we know that there are already thousands of cases so people are concerned because we don't yet know exactly how severe the disease will be or how far it will spread.

when a new virus emerges we often have to learn much more about it and one of the things that we question is how does it transmitted from person to person we know that most respiratory viruses are spread by large droplets that come out when people coffins sneeze and stay aloft usually for about six feet in front of them they land on surfaces and then can also be transmitted between person to person by touching those surfaces such as doorknobs or other surfaces other viruses can spread in the air and stay aloft for a longer period of time in small droplet nuclei for this current 2019 corona virus we're not yet sure whether it is droplet or airborne transmission so we're airing on the side of caution and taking protection as if it was spread by the airborne route we're still learning a lot about this 2019 novel corona virus. 
To understand how dangerous it might be right now the majority of the cases are in China we know that some travelers have brought the virus to other Countries including the United States. I think one of the main things to keep in mind is that this is respiratory virus season and we have other respiratory viruses like influenza that we need to take precautions because we know we have thousands of cases and thousands of deaths in this country every year from influenza given the ongoing transmission of the virus in China we have a travel alert that was issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention so at this time until we know more avoid non-essential travel to China Johns Hopkins Health System and health systems across the nation are busy right now preparing to safely identify isolate evaluate and care for patients with 2019 novel corona virus we have the capability of doing this safely by utilizing personal protective equipment by implementing travel screenings so that we can quickly identify patients who have risk factors.For the disease and then implementing isolation precautions.

Once a person is infected, symptoms develop an average of 5 days after. This is called the incubation period. However the incubation period can be varied from person to person, and in some studies, the incubation period lasted as long as 24 days! Now there is debate about whether or not asymptomatic people can spread the disease, because these people typically have low levels of circulating virus. But even if they do, asymptomatic transmission likely plays a minor role in the overall epidemic. Viruses are given a reproductive number or R-naught based on how quickly they spread, and person to person transmission has been confirmed both in and outside of China. An R naught of 1 means that an infected person passes it on to 1 new person, an R-naught of 2 means that 1 person spreads it to 2 new people, and so forth. If the R naught is below 1, the infection peters out, if it is 1 it stays steady, and if it is above 1, then it continues to spread. The current estimate for the SARS-CoV-2 R naught is between 2 and 2.5. Of course that is an average, with some Spreading the disease less, and others – called super spreaders - spreading the disease at a much higher rate. The exact cause of these super spreaders is unclear, perhaps they are just in contact with more folks, perhaps their bodies naturally shed more virus, or perhaps there are some other reason altogether.

So the goal is to avoid the transmission from one human being to another, starting with isolating people with COVID-19. Corona viruses does not usually spread over long distances in the air, but they can travel roughly 3 feet or 1 meter from one person to another on tiny droplets of saliva, which are produced when someone is coughing or sneezing. In addition, some strains of corona virus can survive on surfaces for over a day. With that in mind, if you are a healthy person living in a non-outbreak area, the recommendation is to avoid travel to disease outbreak areas, generally stay away from crowded places, and stay at least 6 feet or 2 meters away from anyone with symptoms. Wearing a surgical mask is not recommended because the general risk of getting COVID-19 in these settings is so low. As always, hand washing is key it should be done and it should be done with soap or alcohol-based hand sanitizers and scrubbing. Also, avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth and other body parts this is the area, known as your T-zone is a common entry point for viruses into the body. For healthcare workers working around people with COVID-19, the recommendation is to apply droplet and contact precautions. That includes wearing personal protective equipment like a clean, dry surgical mask, gloves, long-sleeved gowns, and eye protection like goggles or a face shield. When performing a procedure that generates aerosol, like tracheal incubation, bronchoscopy, CPR, or noninvasive ventilation, it is important to wear a N95 respirator.

This prevents 95% of the small particles, like respiratory droplets, from passing through. To recap, the SARS-CoV-2 virus causes a respiratory disease called COVID-19. The virus probably originated from bats, then went to pangolins as an intermediate host, and finally to humans. The virus travels in respiratory droplets and enters the body via the mouth, nose, or eyes. Once inside the body, it replicates in the respiratory system, causing symptoms like fever, cough, and shortness of breath.

Some people might develop more dangerous complications like pneumonia, ARDS, and shock. Treatments are focused on supportive care, but certain medications  are currently in clinical trials. In the meantime, the best strategy is prevention -- this includes careful hand washing, avoiding traveling to disease outbreak areas and crowded places when possible, avoiding touching your T-zone, and if you are a healthcare worker to use personal protective equipment.

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